About Us Welcome to Red and White Studios.com!
Our site promotes the work of Native
Veran states: "My work, which frequently includes representations of nature, and peace among the peoples of our world; promotes a sense of harmony. Inspiration is drawn from divergent elements in the environment. My art, through painting and pottery, gives a voice to the various aspects of nature." Veran's images are derived from a traditionalist base, however he brings Native art and imagery into the 21st century, showing that Native art is not dead or stagnant, rather, it is alive and vibrant! Through his work Veran wishes to promote harmony among the four tribes of the world. Veran Pardeahtan is of Russian-Canadian and Apache stock. Growing from his youth on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona, he came to Canada to live with his mother. Together they traveled extensively. Veran enlisted and served in the Canadian Armed Forces for nearly five years upon completion of high school. He then left the service to pursue his creative and artistic potential and his native roots. In 1989, Veran decided to complete his education and entered the Fine Arts Program at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is in
Veran to watch the future carefully and keep the direction of his goals
in focus; the creation of this website is redefining his focus. This site
will allow Veran's work to be viewed and enjoyed by the online world and
its growing numbers. The intent behind his art, that is, to promote harmony
among the peoples of the world, can now be further supported by his virtual
presence on the Internet. |